Access to nature on lockdown: survey results

76% of people who responded said they spent more time in nature because of the coronavirus restrictions in place over the summer and 68% said they discovered somewhere new. People said that spending time in nature makes them feel calm, relaxed and happy.

Half of the people who responded said they knew about all or most of the places listed, which means half didn't know about some or any of them!

92% of people said they'd like to spend more time outdoors, but only 14% thought there was enough information available about outdoor spaces they can visit.

Biodiversity Bingo!

In Frodsham we are really lucky to have lots of green spaces and places on our doorstep. We've created a map of some of the green spaces in Frodsham along with some wildlife to look out for over the summer. Missed out on a printed copy? You can download your own.


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Frodsham Root Network